Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I am Growing!!!!

I have a nurse come check on me each week. as of yesterday, I have gained 1 pound 3 ounces.
I have had some days when i get by without extra oxygen. Still need some help now and then.
My sisters have me spoiled already...if i am not being held.....i'm not happy.......what a wonderful life. :)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

My Baby Shower

I had my first big outting today. Kristi Burke threw me and mom a baby shower. We had so many family and friends there. Got lots of pictures with me and my family, and my aunts & grandma and Great Grandma.


Didn't think this day would ever get here. On Dannika's 21st birthday, Tenna got to come home from the hospital. She is on Oxygen, a feeding tube and an oxygen sensor. But she is home. We had a scary first night. the oxygen sensor had a malfunction, so it went off a few times with false alarms during the night. Scared mom and dad, but I was OK.

My sisters got to hold me for the first time today. We recorded it with pictures and put a sticker on the calendar.

I stopped by the NICU to say goodbye to all the wonderful nurses that took care of me while I was in the hospital. Too many to list by name. Mom counted over 16 that took care of me. They are very special people.
So I am at home now, and trying to make progress.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Rooming In

Exciting News! Kim got to room in with Tenna last night, and will again tonight. This is in preparation to go home. If all goes as expected, Tenna will be going home tomorrow. Tenna moved to the pediatric wing yesterday and is in her own room.

Kim and Tenna are having a sleep-over in Tenna's room.The "rooming in" is for Kim to practice taking care of Tenna and all of her needs where she still has back-up in case she has questions.

Tenna will be going home on oxygen, a heart monitor and an NG tube. The oxygen will likely continue until after her heart surgery, and the NG tube is a feeding tube, Tenna still prefers this way of eating.

After Tenna goes home, she will still be very high-risk. She cannot afford to get sick. Please be very cautious and considerate of this. Your love and concern is appreciated.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Making Progress

Tenna is making progress.
This morning, she is taking 40cc's at each feeding. If she continues this good, they will up it again.
She is still on 1/16th of a liter of oxygen.... which they say isn't much, but sometimes she forgets to breath deep, and her oxygen saturation goes down a bit....
Scary to think of taking her home, but we all want her home soon. Dannika, Ataya and Kinley are wanting her home yesterday if not sooner.
We thank you all for your prayers and concern.
We look forward to homecoming Day!!!!