Monday, November 29, 2010

Whats in a Name

We were sitting around this weekend, and Kinley commented that Tenna had a lot of Nick Names. So I thought it might be fun to list all her nick names and how or why she got them.
First and formost.... (1) Tenna Shoe. This nickname came before she was ever born...
when I told Dannika what I planned to name our baby on the way, the first thing she said was....I'm going to call her my little Tenna from that day on...we all called her shoe...
well when she was in the hospital and daddy was able to go see her. they had her on a CPAP machine...well the hose for it is hooked up and strapped on your face and connected to your kyle started calling her (2) she had her second nick name.
with being called tenna got shortened to (3) Shoe...and then (4) shoe-bop....
someone had heard a saying of hip-hop-a-pottamus....and of course tenna was talled (5) shoe-bop-a-pottamus.....
Seems like they keep coming too, each new day that she does something, someone tags her with some new nick name, she has been called (6) tenna toad, (7) toad , and receintly when she learned to squeek.....(8) squeeky..... (9) MISS T (10) T......(11) T-Bop...... And...Eventually....Ataya says once someone has a kid and tenna is an Aunt....she will be (12) AUNT TENNA (antenna).......
If you have a name that you think she has been called, post a comment here so we can add them to her running list.....
She is growing and getting taller and braver each day. she is now trying to stand here and there,and she will walk if you hold her hands. About 3 weeks ago, she started sitting up on her own. It is quite funny, because we have made such a production out of it, that now when she does it she looks around as if to say" OK...We are all supposed to be clapping now...Go ahead and she starts clapping her self." Although I cant say this has been easy, It does have days that make me glad to be her mom
thank you for following her story......she continues to make progress

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

So much time has passed by.

In 5 days, Tenna will be 14 months old. What started as something that I was sure we would not make through a month, now we are 14 months into. It hasn't been easy, but it has added much to our lives. Tenna continues to make progress. She started out at 8 pounds at birth. Now she is 17. So she has added 9 pounds....4 of those in the last month and a half. And she is eating from a bottle and little bits of table food now. we are looking forward to being able to get rid of the feeding tube, AGAIN....hopefully once and for all.

Tenna is still on Oxygen, though we have cut back from 1.5 liters an hour to 3/4. She will probablly be on it for another 6-10 months.

If you really push, she will sit up by her self...she doen't like to, she would rather you help her.

She is learning that throwing a fit will usually get her what she wants. She has learned that there are 5 people in her home who either love her lots or don't like to listen to her cry and shriek.

She loves to stand up against the couch, coffee and end tables and anything she can. she would rather stand than sit, usually. She is starting to try to take steps to get around the table or couch or what ever she is standing at.

We want to thank all who have followed us on this journey...It will continue, and we will keep you updated as much as possible where there are things to report.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tenna Loves French Fries

Before Salise's wedding, Tenna's sisters took her to Chilies for dinner. Tenna decided that dispite the french fry being almost as big as her, she liked fries.

One Year

We never thought this day would get her, yet it made it.
Tenna was unfortunately in the hospital for her first birthday. BUMMER.
But at least she made it to her first birthday.
after 3 weeks in the hospital, she got to come home on oxygen, a feeding tube and 4 medications.
She is a lot of maintenance, but a joy in our lives...
it is good to be home and back into the routien again.Thanks to all who prayed and helped out during the ordeal.

Monday, April 19, 2010

I had my first Easter. I went to Kristi's house and she took Pix of me in an Easter Basket.
I am growing. It has been 6 weeks since my surgery. I am feeling lots better. I am happier than before, and I have a little better color. I see my cardiologist this week to see how i really am doing. I gained 2 pounds in the first 3 weeks i was home. I have been off my pain meds now for a week or so..but when I get really upset daddy says i still need them. I am ready for warm weather so we can be outside.

Friday, March 12, 2010


No pix yet, but we are through surgery. It took about 5 1/2 hours and a lot of praying, nerves and time, but we are throught surgery. The Dr. says that there are a couple little leaks in the two valves that needed to be fixed, but that we would just have to watch and see how they are. But She is doing well. off the major drugs that just sedate her. her blood pressure is good, and they have her off the ventelator. We are just healing and trying to get back home as soon as possible.
she has three chest tubes that drain the fluid from her chest. one really big insision, a iv in her jugular vein, an arterial iv and an iv in her foot. she has pace maker wires hooked to her heart right now, but we are praying they wont have to use them.
Just keeping her in our prayers that we will be home soon.
thank you to every one for prayers, thoughts and help, and support. we love you all.
Kim, Kyle and Kids

Friday, February 12, 2010

Sleep Tight!!!!


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Little Monster

Well, Tenna's sisters could hardly wait till she could fit into these jammies.....she has made it.

Now they are all fighting over who gets them after she grows out of them.

We got a tenative scheduled date for her surgery. March 11.

We are trying to keep her healthy so we don't have to pospone it. But she is growing a little bit.

she is getting taller, not much weight gain, but on Sunday Feb 7th, she rolled from her belly to her back....She is growing up. I try not to wish her to grow too fast, but at the same time I want to see her make the milestones like she should.

We love her very much. couldn't imagine sending her back or giving her away. We love her to pieces, and she is the most spoiled little one i have ever seen....until she starts screaming!!!! Dannika doesn't know what to do with her when that happens. We cant figure out why she does...I think it is just fussy time in the evening (for the most part)

But We love her, and she has added so much to our house.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Febuary...Going on 5 Months Old

Well...I am almost 5 months...We are preparing for the surgery that will be scheduled the end of this month
I will be in Salt Lake for about a month while undergo my open heart surgery to correct the huge hole in my heart that hasn't closed up.
I am progressing very well.....except as you can see from the photo....I still don't eat from a bottle. Which frustrates mom very much at times.....but she realizes this too shall due time.
Tenna is almost rolling over and has found that she has hands....and her favorite suck on her thumb or fingers....they are her new second best friend (best friend her feeding tube)
I am certain that she has a magnet in her hand and the tube is metal, because if it is anywhere near her hand, shecan find.....and subsequently pull it out....several times a day in fact. WE have stopped feeding therapy till we are done with surgery. her feeding therapist didn't want to make some progress and then loose it because she will be gone for a month or so.
I am still very scared, but know that I cant change it....or change the out come...what ever it may be.
we will post more later..
keep watching

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Just Me......

Thursday, January 7, 2010

3 & 1/2 Months

Tenna is 3 1/2 months old. We went to the Dr yestrday, cause they were worried about her thyroid, Test came back normal. Which is very good. One more hurdle down. Who knew there were so many things you have to watch with down syndrome babies. I freak every time someone gets a cough or sick. and now I see on TV that adults should have the pertussis shot so that you dont give it to your baby who is still able to get it till they have had all 3 series of the shot. I have never been so concerned in my life.... She seems so fragile, yet at times so tough.
She is trying to roll over, not quite there yet, but very close. Her Dr was very happy with her progress and activity.
She still is very stuborn when it comes to learning to eat with a bottle though..... Doesn't want to yet..we may just go straight to solid food. Mom has had a very big lesson in patience.
We are still planning on surgery in Feb or March. Scary!!!! but with prayers and lots of faith, we will make it through. thats it for now. keep checking in periodocly!!!