We were sitting around this weekend, and Kinley commented that Tenna had a lot of Nick Names. So I thought it might be fun to list all her nick names and how or why she got them.
First and formost.... (1) Tenna Shoe. This nickname came before she was ever born...
when I told Dannika what I planned to name our baby on the way, the first thing she said was....I'm going to call her my little Tenna Shoe....so from that day on...we all called her shoe...
well when she was in the hospital and daddy was able to go see her. they had her on a CPAP machine...well the hose for it is hooked up and strapped on your face and connected to your nose...so kyle started calling her (2) tennaphant...so she had her second nick name.
with being called tenna shoe......it got shortened to (3) Shoe...and then (4) shoe-bop....
someone had heard a saying of hip-hop-a-pottamus....and of course tenna was talled (5) shoe-bop-a-pottamus.....
Seems like they keep coming too, each new day that she does something, someone tags her with some new nick name, she has been called (6) tenna toad, (7) toad , and receintly when she learned to squeek.....(8) squeeky..... (9) MISS T (10) T......(11) T-Bop...... And...Eventually....Ataya says once someone has a kid and tenna is an Aunt....she will be (12) AUNT TENNA (antenna).......
If you have a name that you think she has been called, post a comment here so we can add them to her running list.....
She is growing and getting taller and braver each day. she is now trying to stand here and there,and she will walk if you hold her hands. About 3 weeks ago, she started sitting up on her own. It is quite funny, because we have made such a production out of it, that now when she does it she looks around as if to say" OK...We are all supposed to be clapping now...Go ahead and she starts clapping her self." Although I cant say this has been easy, It does have days that make me glad to be her mom
thank you for following her story......she continues to make progress