In 5 days, Tenna will be 14 months old. What started as something that I was sure we would not make through a month, now we are 14 months into. It hasn't been easy, but it has added much to our lives. Tenna continues to make progress. She started out at 8 pounds at birth. Now she is 17. So she has added 9 pounds....4 of those in the last month and a half. And she is eating from a bottle and little bits of table food now. we are looking forward to being able to get rid of the feeding tube, AGAIN....hopefully once and for all.
Tenna is still on Oxygen, though we have cut back from 1.5 liters an hour to 3/4. She will probablly be on it for another 6-10 months.
If you really push, she will sit up by her self...she doen't like to, she would rather you help her.
She is learning that throwing a fit will usually get her what she wants. She has learned that there are 5 people in her home who either love her lots or don't like to listen to her cry and shriek.
She loves to stand up against the couch, coffee and end tables and anything she can. she would rather stand than sit, usually. She is starting to try to take steps to get around the table or couch or what ever she is standing at.
We want to thank all who have followed us on this journey...It will continue, and we will keep you updated as much as possible where there are things to report.
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