Tenna Kristine was born September 21, 2009. Our beautiful little girl was diagnosed with Down Syndrome as well as heart and lung problems. This blog is dedicated to family and friends, to enable them to follow her progress. Thank you for your love and prayers.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Little Monster

Well, Tenna's sisters could hardly wait till she could fit into these jammies.....she has made it.
Now they are all fighting over who gets them after she grows out of them.
We got a tenative scheduled date for her surgery. March 11.
We are trying to keep her healthy so we don't have to pospone it. But she is growing a little bit.
she is getting taller, not much weight gain, but on Sunday Feb 7th, she rolled from her belly to her back....She is growing up. I try not to wish her to grow too fast, but at the same time I want to see her make the milestones like she should.
We love her very much. couldn't imagine sending her back or giving her away. We love her to pieces, and she is the most spoiled little one i have ever seen....until she starts screaming!!!! Dannika doesn't know what to do with her when that happens. We cant figure out why she does...I think it is just fussy time in the evening (for the most part)
But We love her, and she has added so much to our house.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Febuary...Going on 5 Months Old
Well...I am almost 5 months...We are preparing for the surgery that will be scheduled the end of this month

I will be in Salt Lake for about a month while undergo my open heart surgery to correct the huge hole in my heart that hasn't closed up.
I am progressing very well.....except as you can see from the photo....I still don't eat from a bottle. Which frustrates mom very much at times.....but she realizes this too shall pass....in due time.
Tenna is almost rolling over and has found that she has hands....and her favorite thing...to suck on her thumb or fingers....they are her new second best friend (best friend her feeding tube)
I am certain that she has a magnet in her hand and the tube is metal, because if it is anywhere near her hand, shecan find.....and subsequently pull it out....several times a day in fact. WE have stopped feeding therapy till we are done with surgery. her feeding therapist didn't want to make some progress and then loose it because she will be gone for a month or so.
I am still very scared, but know that I cant change it....or change the out come...what ever it may be.
we will post more later..
keep watching
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