I can be very stubborn....Hmmm....wonder where I got that from..... MOM OR DAD????
Anyway, I am growing..starting to smile and really getting active. I got lots of toys & cloths for Christmas...Dad said "NO MORE CLOTHES". But Santa must not have got the message.
I have an appointment with my cardiologist in January, and that is when he will decide when my surgery will be. I go to physical therapy once a month and I am progressing very well. My physical therapist says I should be expected to keep up with any other kid my age...so we plan on it.... I don't get lack of therapy though....Dad makes me exercise every time he holds me, and Dannika makes sure she gets some of my exercises in too...I have great help at Home. I think they have decided to Keep me!!!!
So that is it for now... I will keep you updated periodicaly!!!!
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